
Plumbing Repair Services in Lake Norman, NC

As soon as you experience a problem with a pipe, appliance, or fixture, the best thing to do is to call us for plumbing repair services in the Lake Norman, NC area.

plumbing repair servicesPlumbing is an area of your home or business that you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about, nor do you want to start thinking about too much. As long as the pipes, fixtures, and appliances are working properly, all is well. But as soon as you do experience a problem with a pipe, appliance, or fixture, the best thing to do is to call us at Ultimate Plumbing. While water is a vital resource that we need to live, it can also cause extreme damage to a structure in a matter of minutes. Water that soaks through drywall, framing, and other parts of the structure can result in weakened structural integrity and may require extensive (and expensive) repair work.

At Ultimate Plumbing, we provide plumbing repair services for both residential and commercial customers in the Lake Norman, North Carolina area. Our team never turns down a job for plumbing repair services, and we can take on projects both large and small. As a family-owned business, we take pride in offering the best customer service in the industry. We have both plumbing licenses and contracting licenses and are fully qualified to assist with all types of plumbing repair services.

In addition to plumbing repair services, we are also available for any other plumbing needs you may have, such as re-piping, water heater repair and maintenance, water softening and conditioning equipment installation and maintenance, and much more. Our team provides 24-hour emergency service, 7 days a week.


At Ultimate Plumbing, we offer plumbing repair services in Lake Norman, Mooresville, Denver, Terrell, Sherrills Ford, Huntersville, Davidson, Cornelius, Charlotte, Concord, Kannapolis, Matthews, Statesville, and Troutman, North Carolina.